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Monday, October 18, 2010

Baby Graduation Photo

This is Alya Safiah Batrisyia aka Baby in her exclusive photo shoot [guess who did the photo shoot?] during her graduation day at Q-Dees. This is actually a 'rehearsal' for her and also i can say an encouragement for Baby to actually stand for a photo shoot , holding her real scroll when she finished her studies in the university later. My pray for her and her sister Amirah that both of them would succeeded in their life dunia & akhirat, amin........

Alya Safiah Batrisyia aka Baby

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Q-Dees Annual Concert 2010

I was at my daughter kindergarden annual concert where not only i was invited as a parent guest but also was acting as the official photographer for the event. Photographing kids are not a simple task, you must 'mix & mingle' with them [the kids] to get them to give a nice posts. However, since this is a closed concert, i am not permitted to 'showcase' the entire event but only permitted to post my daughter photos only........here are some of the shots taken during the concert

Baby & sister Amirah

Baby addressing the crowds with her stunning yet confident opening speech

Performing her dance

Class memorial group photo

Baby receiving her 'scroll'